Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This is my first post in two very hectic weeks. From Ohio University to Chicago to Cleveland, I've found the past ten months to be quite a journey. I've gone from student—to intern—to unemployee—to working odd jobs in order to stay afloat. I've met some great people, created some wonderful things, and had the chance to collaborate on projects I never could've imagined having a hand in. So, with somewhat of a cash flow and an amazing storefront space (5700 sq. ft.), a few trusty friends and I are seeking to create a "creative compound" in the heart of an historic Cleveland neighborhood, which will serve as a live/work/gallery space. We are still in the very beginning stages of the project, but I'd like to use my blog as a platform on which to show the development and process, as well as the ups and downs of our new venture.